Monday, November 26, 2012

While I am still shopping on Second Life at the Network of Business Women in SL.  I have also been checking out some good deals online.  There are some great deals out here.  OMG.  I need more coffee.  looks like it's going to be a major shopping day.  

Cyber Monday is expected to jump 20% this year compared to last year.  I can certainly understand why.  Just think of the crowds, gas costs, and the overall running around from store to store.  Sales are expected to something like 1.5 billion dollars, so many trusty fingers are out there shopping online.

Some of the deals out there is 60% off on a Panasonic TV (Viera/55 Inch) at Amazon as an example.  

If you want to look at a variety of Cyber Monday sales try out this site:

Be Careful as you shop.  Shop Safe.


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